Miyerkules, Pebrero 3, 2016



Noise pollution can affect you physically as well as mentally. You may become deaf and it can cause fatigue. While on the other side, it can also cause you some psychological changes. As the world turns more forward-thinking, noise goes up. The most common type of noise pollution at the present is from transportation, mainly automobiles, motorcycles, and aeroplanes.
In the modern era of developments and innovations, noise pollution is always on the rise. So it becomes important to adopt ways which can help you prevent noise pollution. Some of the ways that can help you prevent noise pollution are given below:
  • Make your rooms – especially those ones where piano, guitar, or any type of music is played – sound proof so that sounds of these devices don’t cross the room and cause any noise pollution in the outside. This can be done easily with curtains, carpets, and by closing windows and doors while playing on these musical instruments.
  • Make use of fabric windows instead of plastic or wooden shades.
  • Beep your car horn only when it is really needed.
  • Switch off your radio, TV, or music player when you are not listening to it for a long time.
  • Barking by dogs also causes noise pollution. Training them properly can prevent this kind of noise.
  • Use your calm voice while conversing with others. Don’t shout or scream.
  • Keep the nature clean and green by planting more trees and plants around your living area. Plants and trees help in sound reduction by absorbing it while also keeping the air clean.
  • Keep the sound volume of music played on computers and speakers low. It can cause damage to your as well as others’ ears.
  • Do your dishes or hammering, or some other thing which creates a lot of noise, on a rubber mat which can reduce the generation of noise pollution.
  • Large usage of DJ systems at public functions also causes noise pollution. So cutting down on it can also help in reducing noise pollution.
Some of the causes described above may not cause noise pollution individually; but as a whole, it causes a lot of damage. So for the betterment of you, your family, friends and relatives, and all of those around you, try not to be a part of those things that cause noise pollution. Follow the above methods that will help reducing the noise pollution and will make you a part of a noble cause. It is very important to take strict steps to get rid of noise pollution.
As our population continues to grow, the sources of noise will continue to become more numerous (and obnoxious). Unfortunately, in the United States we’ve made negative progress in the way of legislation. The 1972 Noise Control Act which was created to protect Americans from noise that poses a threat health and welfare was terminated in 1982 due to a lack of federal funding.
As individuals, we are incapable of completely changing our environment to eliminate excess noises such things will need to be left up to government, city planners, etc. however, there are still things we can do while we wait:
1.  Turn off your electronics. Computers, game systems, televisions and the like all make noise when they’re not in use whether it’s a fan spinning or that high-pitched, barely-audible screech some TVs make in standby. Over time, all of these sounds cause stress on the ears. Turn them off when you are not using them. A little extra effort is worth it; as a bonus, you’ll save some money on electricity

 2. There are a lot of things you can do to reduce the sound at home (or perhaps your workplace).
  • If you have hard floors, rugs will go a long way in the fight to dampen sound.
  • Windows are a known weak point in many structures. Installing better windows, sealing window frames, or hanging curtains (even thin ones) will help reduce the sound coming from outside.
  • If you have noisy neighbors on one side of you, put furniture or a big bookshelf (preferably full of books) against that wall.
  • If you have laundry machines in a separate room, shut the door. Also try running appliances like dishwashers and bread machines when you’re getting ready to leave the house for a bit. When you’re gone they can make as much noise as they want.
3. Mask or cancel noise. Several options are available for you here. Some people like to create peaceful sounds around them. You can do this by hanging wind chimes, turning on a fan, or running a small water feature. It may seem paradoxical because you’re creating more noise, however these things help mask the more unpleasant sounds that may otherwise bother you.

People who really need help tuning sounds out could opt for a white noise machine. White noise consists of sounds of all audible frequencies (the same way white light is a combination of all visible wavelengths).  White noise is able to effectively mask most outside sounds. Many people who use such machines frequently report ‘not hearing anything at all’ including the noise machine.
“Noise canceling” devices are also available. These devices use a microphone to intercept incoming sounds. Then they send out “anti-noise” signals to cancel the noise. Noise canceling headphones or smartphone apps are among the cheaper noise canceling options. Hearing aid type devices are also available, but are much more expensive
4. Earplugs. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. If nighttime noise keeps you awake, earplugs could be your ticket to sweet slumber. Just make sure you set your alarm loud enough. Earplugs can also be great if you are going to a noisy event or concert. They don’t block out all the noise; rather, they bring sounds down to a manageable level.

5. Move. This one sounds drastic, but it may be worth it. Sometimes barrier walls and thick curtains can only do so much (and we’re not about to line our walls with egg carton foam). While moving outside the city (or perhaps suburbs) will reduce your sound levels greatly, it is not possible for everyone. However, be aware that sound levels can vary quite a bit even within a city. You may not have to move very far to experience a significant drop in noise. Choosing a home away from aircraft paths, trains, highways, or industrial districts is your best bet. Several cities (such as San Francisco) have even published noise maps showing which streets and areas are the loudest.



  • Physiological Effects
  • Psychological Effects
  • Loss of Hearing
  • Annoyance
  • Health Effects 
  • Interference with Communication
  • Working Efficiency
  • It interferes with speech. In the presence of noise we may not able to follow, what the other person is saying.
  • Noise leads to emotional and behavioral stress. A person may feel disturbed in the presence of loud noise such as produced by heating of drums.
  • Noise may permanently damage hearing. A sudden loud noise can cause severe damage to the eardrum.
  • Noise increases the chances of occurrence of diseases such as headache, blood pressure, heart failure, etc.
  • Noise leads to increased heart beat, constriction of blood vessels and dilation of pupil.
  • Noise is a problem especially for patients who need rest.
  • Noise may cause damage to liver, brain and heart.




sound level meter, a basic tool in measuring sound.
Noise pollution affects both health and behavior. Unwanted sound (noise) can damage psychological health. Noise pollution can cause hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects.
Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one’s quality of life.
Chronic exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Older males exposed to significant occupational noise demonstrate more significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are indistinguishable by age 79. A comparison of Maabantribesmen, who were insignificantly exposed to transportation or industrial noise, to a typical U.S. population showed that chronic exposure to moderately high levels of environmental noise contributes to hearing loss.
High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects and exposure to moderately high levels during a single eight-hour period causes a statistical rise in blood pressure of five to ten points and an increase in stress, and vasoconstriction leading to the increased blood pressure noted above, as well as to increased incidence of coronary artery disease


Noise can have a detrimental effect on wild animals, increasing the risk of death by changing the delicate balance in predator or prey detection and avoidance, and interfering the use of the sounds in communication, especially in relation to reproduction and in navigation. Acoustic overexposure can lead to temporary or permanent loss of hearing.
An impact of noise on wild animal life is the reduction of usable habitat that noisy areas may cause, which in the case of endangered species may be part of the path to extinction. Noise pollution may have caused the death of certain species of whales that beached themselves after being exposed to the loud sound of military sonar.
Noise also makes species communicate more loudly, which is called Lombard vocal response.Scientists and researchers have conducted experiments that show whales' song length is longer when submarine-detectors are on. If creatures do not "speak" loudly enough, their voice will be masked by anthropogenic sounds. These unheard voices might be warnings, finding of prey, or preparations of net-bubbling. When one species begins speaking more loudly, it will mask other species' voice, causing the whole ecosystem eventually to speak more loudly.
Marine invertebrates, such as crabs (Carcinus maenas), have also been shown to be impacted by ship noise. Larger crabs were noted to be impacted more by the sounds than smaller crabs. Repeated exposure to the sounds did lead toacclimatization
European robins living in urban environments are more likely to sing at night in places with high levels of noise pollution during the day, suggesting that they sing at night because it is quieter, and their message can propagate through the environment more clearly. The same study showed that daytime noise was a stronger predictor of nocturnal singing than night-time light pollution, to which the phenomenon often is attributed.
Zebra finches become less faithful to their partners when exposed to traffic noise. This could alter a population's evolutionary trajectory by selecting traits, sapping resources normally devoted to other activities and thus leading to profound genetic and evolutionary consequences.

Noise mitigation

The sound tube in MelbourneAustralia is designed to reduce roadway noise without detracting from the area's aesthetics

A man wears ear muffs for protection against noise pollution, 1973.
Roadway noise can be reduced by the use of noise barriers, limitation of vehicle speeds, alteration of roadway surface texture, limitation of heavy vehicles, use of traffic controls that smooth vehicle flow to reduce braking and acceleration, and tire design. An important factor in applying these strategies is a computer model for roadway noise, that is capable of addressing localtopographymeteorology, traffic operations, and hypothetical mitigation. Costs of building-in mitigation can be modest, provided these solutions are sought in the planning stage of a roadway project.
Aircraft noise can be reduced by using quieter jet engines. Altering flight pathsand time of day runway has benefitted residents near airports.
Industrial noise has been addressed since the 1930s via redesign of industrial equipment, shock mounted assemblies and physical barriers in the workplace. In recent years, Buy Quiet programs and initiatives have arisen in an effort to combat occupational noise exposures. These programs promote the purchase of quieter tools and equipment and encourage manufacturers to design quieter equipment. The National Institute for Occupational Health has created a database of industrial equipment with decibel levels noted.


Noise pollution or noise disturbance is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused bymachines and transportation systemsmotor vehiclesaircraft, andtrains. Outdoor noise is summarized by the word environmental noise. Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution, since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential areas. Documented problems associated with urban noise go back as far as Ancient Rome.[3]
Outdoor noise can be caused by machines, building activities, and music performances, especially in some workplaces. Noise-induced hearing loss can be caused by outside (ex:train) or inside (ex: music) noise.
High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease.In animals, noise can increase the risk of death by altering predator or prey detection and avoidance, interfere with reproduction and navigation, and contribute to permanent hearing loss

Noise pollution is undesired sound that is disruptive or dangerous and can cause harm to life, nature, and property. It is often said that noise differs from other forms of pollution in that, unlike atmospheric pollutants for example, once abated, noise leaves no residual accumulation in the environment or the human body. Noise does leave behind its effects, however, and these can deteriorate after continued exposure to harmful sounds. So it is not true, strictly speaking, that noise  leaves no visible evidence

The noise pollution is defined as the unwanted sound which is released into the environment. It disturbs the human being and cause an adverse effect on the mental and psychological well being. It is measured in the units of decibels and is denoted by the dB. The noise which is more than 115 dB is tolerant. The industrial limit of sound in the industries must be 75 dB according to the world health organization. A type writer can produce a sound at 60 dB. There are different sources of the noise pollution and include the agriculture machines, industries which produce a sound and the use of entertaining equipment, crackers, the blasting of dynamite, bull dozing, stone crushing, defense equipments and textile mills. loud or unpleasant noise that is caused by automobiles, airplanes, etc., and that is harmful or annoying to the people who can hear it.